
[NEWS]PS3 Game List v2.0: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS3 Game List v2.0: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour   

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[NEWS]PS3 Game List v2.0: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour

Messagepar Attila » Ven 21 Déc 2012 09:21

imagePS3 Game List est une application vous permettant de lister les backups présents sur votre disque dur. De la même manière que PS3 Game Updater, il vous permet également de télécharger les mises à jour disponibles pour vos jeux simplement. Voici une nouvelle version avec plein de changements.


Version 2.0
Support for compressed RAR files (including multivolume and password protected archives, data stored as a RAR file will not be editable; an icon will overlay both avatar and background image in order to differentiate the entry from standard game folders, and the tooltip will display additional info about the file; note that RAR files, like ISO images and PKG files, do not follow the ‘folder depth’ configuration, just have them stored at the root of a directory and they will be loaded as a regular game folder);
Option to play videos (PAM files) instead of displaying static avatar images (configuration via settings dialog);
Users can now customize table columns layout (configuration via settings dialog);
Game titles are loaded according to the selected language (e.g. Uncharted 2 will read “Uncharted 2: Among Thieves” in English , “Uncharted 2: Il covo dei ladri” in Italian, “Uncharted 2: El reino de los ladrones” in Spanish, and so on);
Additional tags _SIZE_ and _REGION_ for custom rename (e.g. “_TITLE_ – (_ID_)[_FIRMWARE_][_REGION_][_SIZE_]” => “Gran Turismo 5 – (BCUS98114)[3.50][USA][17 GB]“, “(_REGION_)[_SIZE_][_FIRMWARE_][_ID_][_TITLE_]” => “(USA)[17 GB][3.50][BCUS98114][Gran Turismo 5]“, etc.);
Further PARAM.SFO editing (SFO category and Remote play options);
Game titles starting with “The” will have the article shifted to the end after renaming for improved sorting (e.g. “The Need for Speed” will be renamed to “Need for Speed, the”);
New chart for disk status (one that actually looks good);
Line selection will now trigger a smooth blend animation between game avatars;
PS3 Game List will now display an animated application logo;
Built with the latest major release of Qt (version 5), OpenSSL lib and compiler for improvements in speed, security and size;
Windows 8 support;
Featured installer/uninstaller;
Fixed renaming game titles with line feed characters;
Fixed renaming game titles with Unicode characters;
Fixed settings dialog minor translation issue.

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