
[NEWS]PS3 Game List v3.3: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS3 Game List v3.3: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour   

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[NEWS]PS3 Game List v3.3: Gestionnaire de backup et de mise à jour

Messagepar Attila » Mar 21 Avr 2015 15:35

imagePS3 Game List est une application vous permettant de lister les backups présents sur votre disque dur. De la même manière que PS3 Game Updater, il vous permet également de télécharger les mises à jour disponibles pour vos jeux simplement. Disponible pour PC, MAC et Linux.


Version 3.3
Support for both OSX/64 and Linux/64;
ISO9660 file system image support (users can both create and load ISO images (CDFS and UDF 2.50) of games in their library; data stored as an ISO image will not be editable; an icon will overlay both avatar and background image in order to differentiate the entry from standard game folders, and the tooltip will display additional info about the volume; note that ISO images do not follow the ‘folder depth’ configuration, just have them stored at the root of a directory and they will be loaded as a regular game folder);
Support for PDF file format (users can export their game list to a predetermined PDF format, useful for quickly browsing through the game library);
Option to copy game update URLs to clipboard;
Redesigned ‘About’ screen to display app change log;
Fixed text truncation issue while exporting a game list that contained Unicode characters;
Fixed issue when clearing game list while downloading updates;
Fixed missing info while displaying ISO data;
Built with the latest major release of Qt, OpenSSL and compiler for improvements in speed, security and size.

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