
[NEWS]PS3 Tools Collection 2.0.62 par Aldos : Nouveaux outils : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS3 Tools Collection 2.0.62 par Aldos : Nouveaux outils   

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[NEWS]PS3 Tools Collection 2.0.62 par Aldos : Nouveaux outils

Messagepar Attila » Mar 5 Fév 2013 21:26

imageAldos (ou Aldostools) nous présente sa collection d'outils destinés au hack de la PS3.
Au programme, de nouveaux outils et des mises à jour.

Nous avons un nouveau programme: rap management tool, pour faire plusieurs actions avec vos fichiers rap, une mise à jour de PS3 Keys ainsi qu'un nouvel outil lastGAME Customizer pour relancer le dernier jeu auquel vous avez joué.

rap management tools
Keep your "rap" files collection clean with "remove bad files from exdata.bat" (a batch file that will remove the invalid "rap" files from your "exdata" folder) and delete_dups (a tool that will compare your rap files with the ones stored in another folder; deleting the duplicated files). Use them in conjunction with PS3 Game Integrity and PKG ContentID to keep your collection of raps organized.

TIP: My PS3 Keys tool can be used to create rap files, just entering the file name and pasting the 32 HEX digits.

PS3 Keys 1.5.5
It's a tool to edit, verify and create the .ps3 keys in binary format and .rap/.edat files.

Version 1.1 allows to convert scetool's data\keys file into .ps3 keys binary format (click on the big blue icon for the menu).
Version 1.2 shows a visual alert (red cross icon) if the key is found in the Keys file, but the revision doesn't match.
Version 1.3 adds a report of keys in HTML and 'next' button to find the bad keys.
Version 1.5.5 adds support for .rap and .edat files (checks MD5).

lastGAME Customizer 1.0
This new tool takes advantage of the customization options that multiMAN's lastGAME applet offers, allowing to create PKG files that mount games and AVCHD movies directly from the XMB, without having to launch multiMAN's GUI (btw lastGAME = multiMAN without GUI).

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