
[NEWS]PS3MFW Builder v0.2.3 : Faites votre propre CFW 4.X : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS3MFW Builder v0.2.3 : Faites votre propre CFW 4.X   

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[NEWS]PS3MFW Builder v0.2.3 : Faites votre propre CFW 4.X

Messagepar Attila » Sam 12 Jan 2013 20:36

imagecfwprophet nous offre une version pre release (donc en bêta) d'une mise à jour de PS3MFW Builder vous permettant de créer votre propre Custom Firmware, et maintenant en firmware 4.X.

Attention, cette nouvelle version n'est pas stable et vous aurez besoin obligatoirement d'un E3 FLASHER ou similaire pour pouvoir débricker si nécessaire !

Unofficial 0.2.3 update ‘cfwprpht’
- Major Clean Up
- Added support for 4.xx CFW
- Added spkg tool’s
- Added new Keys to .ps3 folder
- Added calculated private key’s for 4.xx (scekrit keys – still needs disabled ECDSA check to work)
- Added scetool to decrypt self’s and to re-sign LV1, LV2, spu_pkg_rvk_verifier, they are now correctly rebuilded for 4.xx CFW
- Merged and re-arranged tasks/commands to speed up patching process
- Added Templat dir and templat icons for the segments in the homebrew category
- Added templat.xml whith ‘AC1D CFW’ pkg-mgr, homebrew and emulator segment
- Added standalone ‘*Install Package Files’ app to MFW
- Added a command which will create a custom dir in dev_flash for us (to use for templat imgs or the standalone Install Packages app)
- Updated Spoof task up to including 4.31
- Removed standart FirmWare spoofing in case of you can use Jailbait patch and have the same result
- Added a new Hombrew Category patch which will merge Network cat with PSN cat and use Network cat as HomeBrew cat if one of the 4 new segment patches are used
- Merged ssl patches, nas_plugin and the nonretail patches to patch_vsh.tcl
- Updated Jailbait patches and merged them with Patch_vsh.tcl to make it more specific and speed up patching process
- Added patch_lv2_npdrm_ecdsa_check to the jailbait patches category
- Added customize_mfw.tcl and merged cooldboot patches into it
- Added patch_pup.tcl and merged broken bluray, broken bluetooth, change pup version, shop2retail and retail2shop to it
- Added patch_cos.tcl and merged lv0, lv2, spu pkg rvk verifier and emer init patches to it to speed up patching process
- Added patch-lv0-coreos-ecdsa-check: Patch to disable CoreOS ECDSA check in LV0 (needed for 4.xx CFW)
- Added patch-lv1-remove-lv2-protection: Remove LV2 protection (needed for 4.xx CFW)
- Added patch-lv2-payload-hermes-355: Patch to implement hermes LV2 payload with SC8 and /app_home/ redirection 3.55
- Added patch-lv2-SC36-355: Patch to implement SysCall36 3.55
- Added patch-lv2-peek-poke-4x: Patch to add Peek&Poke;system calls to LV2 4.xx
- Added patch-lv2-lv1-peek-poke-4x: Patch to add LV1 Peek&Poke;system calls to LV2 4.xx (LV1 peek/poke patch necessary)
- Added patch-lv2-npdrm-ecdsa-check: Jailbait – Patch to disable NPDRM ECDSA check 4.xx
- Added patch-lv2-payload-hermes-4x: Patch to implement hermes LV2 payload SC8 /app_home/ redirection & embended app mount 4.xx
- Added patch-lv2-SC36-4x: Patch to implement SysCall36 4.xx
- Added patch-spkg-ecdsa-check: Patch to disable ECDSA check for spkg files (needed for 4.xx CFW)
- Added patch-alpha-sort: Alphabetical sort Order for Games in the XMB
- Added patch-rape-sfo: Rape the SFO Param’s X0 (NeoGeo) and X4 (PCEngine) to use with the Homebrew category and custome segments
- Added add-install-pkg: Add the standart Install Package Files Segment to the HomeBrew Category in XMB
- Added add-pkg-mgr: Add MFW PKG Manager Segment to the HomeBrew Category in XMB
- Added add-hb-seg: Add MFW HomeBrew Segment to the HomeBrew Category in XMB
- Added add-emu-seg: Add MFW Emulator Segment to the HomeBrew Category in XMB
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-debug-341: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 3.41 DEBUG
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-debug-355: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 3.55 DEBUG
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-341: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 3.41
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-355: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 3.55
- Added patch-vsh-react-psn-v2-4x: Patch to implement ReactPSN v2.0 into VSH 4.xx
- Added customize-coldboot-health-screen: Change default coldboot Healthscreen
- Added customize-xmb-wave: Change the default XMB wave
- Added customize-game-boot-scelogo: Change default Gameboot scelogo
- Added customize-game-boot-ps3logo: Change default Gameboot ps3logo
- Added customize-trophy-sound: Change default Trophy sound
- Added customize-system-error: Change default system error sound
- Added customize-system-ok: Change default system ok sound
- Added customize-cursor-click: Change default cursor click sound
- Added customize-cursor-back: Change default cursor back sound
- Added customize-embended-app: Change default embended app (* Install Package Files) to a custome one
- Added customize-fw-version: Change default fw version in XMB
- Fixed task Shop to retail, delating of promo_flags.txt was missing
- Fixed task Change CoreOS file, just a few typo’s
- Fixed task Jailbait, just a few typo’s again
- Added version-suffix combobox to reduce string fields for FW version suffixes, Added -MFW, Promotial-to-Retail, Retail-to-Promotial, OtherOS++, AC1D
- Added old/new * Install Package Files (rogero patch)
- Corrected some old and new bugs
- Greetz to euss, i fixed the self_rebuilder problem by adding scetool and a simply “if” command ;)


télécharger Télécharger PS3MFW Builder v0.2.3 pre rlz et 0.2.1: Créez votre CFW perso source : source tasks : :
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Re: [NEWS]PS3MFW Builder v0.2.3 : Faites votre propre CFW 4.X

Messagepar Attila » Sam 12 Jan 2013 20:45

aussi le fichier de base était en allemand, je l'ai configuré en francais :)
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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

Re: [NEWS]PS3MFW Builder v0.2.3 : Faites votre propre CFW 4.X

Messagepar lexou » Sam 12 Jan 2013 22:01

merci pour la news et merci a toi Atilla pour la traduction ,les cfw "maisons " sont de retours pour bientot avec cet outils lol
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Inscription: Sam 19 Mar 2011 21:44

Re: [NEWS]PS3MFW Builder v0.2.3 : Faites votre propre CFW 4.X

Messagepar Attila » Dim 13 Jan 2013 00:45

j'aurais peut être du le préciser, mais vous ne pouvez installer un cfw 4.X que si vous êtes en 3.55 ou déjà en cfw
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Messages: 7572
Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 11:53

Re: [NEWS]PS3MFW Builder v0.2.3 : Faites votre propre CFW 4.X

Messagepar oneteck » Dim 13 Jan 2013 12:49

merci ca fait plaisir, bien que pour le moment je prefère rester en rogero 4.30 2.03
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Inscription: Sam 30 Oct 2010 22:57

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