
[NEWS]PS3Ultimate TV App v1.09 : Télévision et vidéos sur votre PS3 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS3Ultimate TV App v1.09 : Télévision et vidéos sur votre PS3   

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[NEWS]PS3Ultimate TV App v1.09 : Télévision et vidéos sur votre PS3

Messagepar Attila » Lun 1 Oct 2012 21:23

imagePS3Ultimate TV App est un homebrew PS3 permettant d'ajouter un menu permettant de regarder des chaines télé ainsi que des vidéos dans le XMB de la PS3.


Version 1.09
ive updated most of the app from the themes to the movie links and movies ive also added a links section to tidy the main section up ive also added new content including ps3 xil for those who want to use it to add custom channels and tidy up the ps3's main xmb or if your cfw has removed them then they should be available again ive also changed the update to a direct link but most of my time and effort has been focused on the movies section i decided to release this update a little sooner than i was going to so remember im working on this everyday so keep checking for updates but remember it can be a slow process and im working alone so please be patient and if you have just installed this update remember to also download and install a theme so everything is upto date.

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