
[NEWS]PS3XPAD v0.6: Manette Xbox 360 sur PS3 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PS3XPAD v0.6: Manette Xbox 360 sur PS3   

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[NEWS]PS3XPAD v0.6: Manette Xbox 360 sur PS3

Messagepar Attila » Jeu 20 Aoû 2015 20:28

imagePS3XPAD par OsirisX est un plugin prx pour CFW permettant d'utiliser votre manette Xbox 360 sur PS3.

Vous pouvez par exemple utiliser VSH PRX loader pour installer le fichier SPRX de PS3XPAD.

Ca devrait fonctionner en mode USB ou en mode sans fil.

Version 0.6
Added Xbox One (wired) controller and Playstation DualShock 4 (wired) controller support. Only wired connection for now, might add wireless support later on. The DualShock 4 controller driver enables rumble and six axis support. It also increases compatibility of some games over the official driver. There is no trackpad support in this release but may possibly be added later.

Note: DS4 six axis sensors were about 4 times more sensitive than DS3s. I had to reduce it's sensitivity to make PS3 games compatible with the six axis. Also DS4 controller PID/VIDs are not hardcoded. You will need to have them in xpad_devices.txt. This gives the option to switch between official and unofficial driver when using the xpad plugin.

The install procedure is the same as my previous release

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