
[NEWS] PSFreedom Nokia N900 v0.4 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS] PSFreedom Nokia N900 v0.4   

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[NEWS] PSFreedom Nokia N900 v0.4

Messagepar Attila » Dim 24 Oct 2010 13:54

imageVoici le Nokia N900 rendu compatible PSFreedom, qui sert à jailbreaker la PS3. C'est compatible SP3 3.01, 3.10, 3.15, et 3.41.
Cette version est compatible avec les Payloads d'Hermes et PL3, et contient le correctif pour Medal Of Honor (ou jeux 3.42) sans faire la mise à jour.


Version 0.4
* Added 3.01, 3.10, 3.15, and 3.41 firmware support.
* Added PL3 1.1 support.
* Added LED indicator support, red on in-progres, green on done.
* Application rewritten in C++/Qt instead of PyQt, overall improvements.
* All images compiled in the binary instead of being stored in /opt.
* About window features a full browser, with back, forward, stop, and refresh buttons.
* Scrolling in about window fixed, should no longer highlight text while scrolling.
* Full browser for support.
* Added hermes support.
* Added portrait mode.
* Help window without buttons; kinetic scrolling added to help window, thanks to alterego.

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