
[NEWS] PSGroove par Hermes passe en version 2 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS] PSGroove par Hermes passe en version 2   

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[NEWS] PSGroove par Hermes passe en version 2

Messagepar orwel » Ven 1 Oct 2010 14:37

ImageAprès AerialX, c'est au tour d'Hermes (célèbre codeur Wii du Custom IOS) de créer sa version modifiée du PSGroove permettant de lancer les Backups sur USB sans blu Ray original dans le lecteur !
La version 2 permet de lancer des jeux qui ne fonctionnaient pas auparavant. Attention cependant car cette version risque également de ne pas être compatible avec d'autres jeux !


Voici enfin ce qu'attendaient beaucoup de gens: supprimer la nécessité d'avoir un BluRay original dans le lecteur pour lancer une copie. En effet, il n'était pas pratique de devoir éjecter son jeu pour démarrer la PS3, puis réinsérer un Blu Ray pour au final ne pas l'utiliser.

La version 2 de ce payload permet de corriger le problème de contrôleur rencontré avec certains jeux, tel que F1 2010 ou Street Fighter. Attention cependant, car cette version provoque des risques de dysfonctionnement avec d'autres jeux !! Je vous conseille donc de conserver la version 1 de ce payload, et d'utiliser la nouvelle version d'Open Manager (1.13), qui contient un patch vous permettant d'activer ou non le correctif fait par Hermes.

Looking looking, I've noticed where the problem that makes the game Formula1 2010, does not recognize the controls. This is a patch which is not its function, but removing it, I have not noticed anything unusual: perhaps a sort of check related to the modules that has USB and F1 games like this, do not recognize the command. Perhaps it is only relatively necessary in the initialization process and then beaten.

Anyway, I uploaded an update to the source, but does not include that set off the patch, if marked with a warning (see line 169) and includes a define to disable the USB and also another DESTINATION, which states the address where the code is installed (and added a new patch file, if it stayed in another place)

Here I note that we have a table (memory_patch_table) that is about to address 0x700710 (because we needed space) and that concerns me, because it may be crushed at any time if new modules are loaded (such may be best off finding another site or directly load the payload in another direction more convenient, at the end of the kernel (I've done this and it has worked, as it has worked to put the code in the DESTINATION so low that it appears aside in the source, but the same is not an appropriate place, of course)

The fact is that there is another way to override the patch using the POKE role in eg open_manager:

Code: Tout sélectionner
void pokeq( uint64_t addr, uint64_t val)
system_call_2(7, addr, val);
pokeq(0x80000000000505d0ULL, 0xE92296887C0802A6ULL);

Adding that code to any program, you can disable that patch that prevents the proper functioning of at least F1 2010, without touching the payload.

Requires that if your "spike" has the functionality peek / poke, because otherwise it will not work.

The source of the second version you can download the first thread, but you know that it is not necessary actualicéis your "thorn", as the modifications are more source code to allow the payload to carry any other direction.

PS: I included hex teensy version with at90usb162.ñ In my case I use two LEDs, but that should be a issue!


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Messages: 437
Inscription: Jeu 9 Sep 2010 13:06

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