
[NEWS]PSNPATCH v2015.9/A - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PSNPATCH v2015.9/A - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF   

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[NEWS]PSNPATCH v2015.9/A - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF

Messagepar Attila » Ven 25 Sep 2015 02:02

imagePSNPATCH l'homebrew qui aide à la connexion au PSN se met à jour.

PSNpatch release 2015.9/A
NEW Version spoofer warning: PSNPatch displays the real and the spoofed cfw version in the main menu - a good version spoofer (when one is available) MUST BE invisible to PSNPatch;
Added PSNPatch toolbox setup of plugin on-boot auto features (auto-spoof IDPS & IDPS) (*);
Improved rebug (lite) detection for proper handling of webman xmb menu icons;
Updated included webman-mod (cobra and non-cobra) to version 1.43.04 (lite version) - webman-mod cobra version should be compatible with every cobra versions (past and future);
Confirmed support for 4.76 CFW with all the CORE functions - just a confirmation: no changes were made in the source code - PSNPatch continues to be firmware version independent

(*) This could already be done directly in PSNPatch plugin by keeping pressed L3+R3+R2 during boot until the "auto mode" message is displayed, but doing it from the PSNPatch toolbox seems to be easier for some users.

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