
[NEWS][MAJ3]PSNPATCH v4.65.10 - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS][MAJ3]PSNPATCH v4.65.10 - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF   

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[NEWS][MAJ3]PSNPATCH v4.65.10 - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF

Messagepar Attila » Mar 16 Sep 2014 21:54

imagePSNPATCH l'homebrew anti ban et spoof psn se met à jour.

Les fonctionnalités sont un spoof de consoleid( IDPS) ou du PSID, une désactivation des syscall, une suppression de l'historique de lancement d'application ainsi qu'une fonction de signature de RAP en RIF.

Le Spoof et la désactivation des syscall est temporaire, jusqu'au prochain redémarrage.
L'homebrew devrait être compatible avec tous les CFW 4.x.

4.65.10 [12/10/2014]
New process to detect the "real" IDPS was added for higher compatibility between different PS3 models (*)
"Real" and "Current" IDPS are always displayed after CFW has been disabled in any firmware version.
Reviewed the installation and removal handling for "XMB add-ons for webman".
Some small user interface adjustments.
Both psnpatch homebrew app and plugin were updated.

Version 4.65.09 26/09/2014
* Added special processing for disabling cfw in REBUG COBRA;
* New process for installing and removing stealth extensions;
* Fixed an issue when stealth extensions were disabled that habib 4.65 1.00 stage2 was not properly recovered;
* Fixed semi-permanent OFW mode that was not possible to disable from psnpatch version 4.65.06
* Fixed "no beeps" being issued when disabling CFW with cobra toggled off in Habib's or Darknet0's 4.65;
* Small interface messages adjustments;
* Some minor code clean-ups;

Version 4.65.06 22/09/2014
* support confirmed for habib cobra 4.65 1.00/1.01/1.02;
* support added to darknet cobra 4.65 1.00;
* cobra stealth updated to follow habib's lv2 offsets adjustments;
* psnpatch plugin displays the IDPS only if it was spoofed;
* instructions docs updated - read them VERY carefully;
* FAQ was also updated;

PSNpatch v4.65.05 (09/16/2014)
Added support for habib cobra 4.65 (stealth extensions including readiness for future firmware version spoofing);
Fixed psnpatch plugin to correctly display the new IDPS (when spoofed);
Optimized psnpatch cobra plugin creation for 4.65 compatibility;
Reviewed support for rebug cobra 4.53 (only the needed functions are enabled as rebug cobra already has many things included. no stealth extensions for rebug (*));

(*) using the same kind of approach done by other spoofing tools for rebug. stealth extensions can only be made for rebug if KW gets his hands on rebug's stage2 source code

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Re: [NEWS][MAJ3]PSNPATCH v4.65.10 - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF

Messagepar Attila » Dim 12 Oct 2014 21:51

maj en 4.65.10
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Re: [NEWS][MAJ3]PSNPATCH v4.65.10 - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF

Messagepar startwarrios » Lun 3 Nov 2014 13:03

Donc son je comprend bien psn patch réduit le risque d'être banni et nous permet de mettre a jour le psn ! Y'a il un tuto pour 'installation ? Et si j'ai jailbrake ma PS3 sans E3 mais juste psk elle était en version 3.41 c'est possible tout de même pour moi d'installer sa ?
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Inscription: Sam 1 Nov 2014 13:12
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