
[NEWS]PSNPATCH v4.66.33 - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]PSNPATCH v4.66.33 - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF   

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[NEWS]PSNPATCH v4.66.33 - spoof consoleid, disable cfw, RAP2RIF

Messagepar Attila » Dim 15 Fév 2015 18:39

imagePSNPATCH est un homebrew qui fournit diverses fonctions aidant à vous protéger du ban du PSN. Depuis la version 2, Psnpatch inclus également le plugin de WebMAN, avec les patchs qui lui sont associés.

Version 4.66.33 14/FEB/2015
New "Auto Mode" for PSNPatch plug-in (a);
Shortcut L3+R3+L2 displays status (current idps, mounted titleID, running contentID and devklic);
"Games Patcher" now patches to version 4.20;
When there isn't a valid user account, psnpatch will NOT install RAPS, EDATs, unlock C00 demos or ps2classics (b);
Cobra Toolbox in rebug, now works only when in "rebug system mode" (b);
Several reviews to the documentation (plug-in & version spoof sections).

(a) To use the new plug-in "auto mode" a very careful read of the documentation should be made. Namely the "psnpatch plug-in" section.
(b) User friendly approach that guides the user to the solution.

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