Avec entre autre le patch Cinavia et le retour de l'"install package files" (l'original).

Ni l'auteur, ni moi, ni ps3 infos ne pourront être tenus pour responsables du résultat de la manipulation de cette application.
Ce cfw a subit différents tests et aucun brick n'a été recensé, mais ni moi, ni Rogero ni l'équipe ps3 infos ne pourra être tenue responsable si vous avez brické avec ce CFW.
Rogero CFW4.30 v2.05
* Changed the [app_home/PS3_GAME] IPF Name and Icon to show as "ToolBox" now so we don't have duplicate "IPF" entries on XMB.
* Added the Cinavia Patched Video Player module to disable the Cinavia Protection on HDD based content ( Credits to Team Rebug for the module )
* Added the new patches that allowed the return of the Original "*Install Package Files" and "Install All Packages", Credits to Szalay and "hidden Man".
* Updated Dean's "*Install Package files" (Toolbox in v2.05) on [app_home] to the latest version that doesn't requires additional HDD space or a PS3 Restart anymore.
* All the previous features of version 2.03 are all preserved.
For all the users that are having the Singstar Icon on XMB, please know that this is a pure Original FW 4.30/4.31 feature and
it seems it is only showing for Europe users when they connect the PS3 to the internet.