
[NEWS] Rogero Manager v7.2 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS] Rogero Manager v7.2   

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[NEWS] Rogero Manager v7.2

Messagepar Attila » Lun 25 Oct 2010 13:32

imageRogero nous fournit Rogero Manager, un Manager de backup basé sur tous les autres existants.


Version 7.2
1- Payload Auto-Detection method improved for best compatibility.
2- Patching is now used only with Peek/Poke supported Payloads (Psgroove1.1/Hermes) and turned off for other Payloads ( PL3 / Psgroove 1.0 )
3- Dynamic Patching Improved to support more games like "Medal of honor"
4- Games which requires PS3 SOFTWARE version newer then 3.41 will have the PARAM.SFO file patched automatically and outputs a message for the user about it.

Version 7.1
1- Patch-Mode now will only show up on GUI in case it is supported by the user's Payload.
2- Direct-Boot will now show a compatibility message when turned on to warn the user.

Version 7.0
1- Payload Auto-Detection and Output Payload Type detected on GUI, works with all current available payloads.
2- Advanced Patching Mechanism that works according to the current Payload Type detected.
3- Patching only occurs at Game Load, no more List Refresh needed.
3- New Graphical User Interface (With Game BG + Icon)
4- Toggle Show/Hide Games Full Paths with R1.
5- Progress-Bar on Copying Games.
6- Faster Game Files Test/Size.
7- HomeBrew and FTP Functions removed.

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Re: [NEWS] Rogero Manager v7.2

Messagepar samoht » Lun 25 Oct 2010 19:14

Alors que l'auteur original de backup manager disait récemment qu'il souhaitait travailler avec les autres auteurs de backup pour n'en faire qu'un seul mais top (je l'ai marquer dans le forum concernant gaia manageur il me semble)...

J'espère que tous ces auteurs, malgré leur talent respectif, vont se mettre d'accord pour nous sortir ensemble une très belle version de backup !
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