
[NEWS]Rogero MFW fix un bug de trophées après downgrade 3.70 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Rogero MFW fix un bug de trophées après downgrade 3.70   

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[NEWS]Rogero MFW fix un bug de trophées après downgrade 3.70

Messagepar Itachijiraya » Dim 11 Sep 2011 18:05

imageRogero sort aujourd'hui un CFW (MFW), qui fix entre autre un bug de trophées qui survient après un downgrade de votre PS3.
Il en profite également pour mettre un spoof 3.70 dans son MFW.

Rogero développeur de divers homebrews, nous publie donc son firmware modifié (MFW) pour ceux qui ont fait un downgrade de leurs PS3 avec la puce Progskeet.
Car après avoir réalisé un downgrade de sa PS3 avec succès il a rencontré un problème.
Et malheureusement ce problème n'était jamais cité dans les différents tutoriels de downgrade.
Si vous faites un downgrade de votre PS3, ne la mettez pas ensuite à jour en utilisant les firmwares modifiés habituels (à moins que le firmware n'ai le LV1.self de patché avec les bons patchs).
Sans quoi vous aurez une PS3 brickée.

Techniquement, quand vous downgradez, vous utilisez un firmware modifié qui contient un patch afin que la console ne vérifie pas la valeur du SYSCON (qui contient la version de votre firmware, pour vous empêcher justement de downgrader). Si vous ne patchez pas le CFW avec les bons patchs, le firmware va voir que le firmware ne correspond pas à la version précédemment installée et ne démarrera plus.

Après avoir downgradé sa PS3 et fixé son problème , Rogero a eu un autre bug, un problème avec les Trophées.
Ainsi, après avoir résolu tous ses problèmes, il a préparé un firmware modifié (MFW) qui vous évitera tous les bugs précédemment cités.


Last night I had the chance to try and downgrade a Slim Ps3 (JSD-001 board with Spansion NOR) version 3.70 to CFW 3.55 using Dospiedra’s downgrade v2 patches.

I managed to get a clean dump of the NOR using my ProgSkeet (latest QT port used), created a patched Downgrade.bin image
using the 6 patched files from Dospiedra and a hex editor, then I flashed the image to the PS3 NOR, dumped the NOR another
time and verified that all was written fine.
Then I continued with the normal downgrade procedure, go into service mode, update using the 3.55_no_check.PUP, then exit
service mode and all was good, it was back into CFW 3.55.

Here the problems started, I tried to start a game and I got the famous Trophy error, so I decided to update it to my
personal Modified Firmware, so I started the update and after installing the firmware, the PS3 turned off by itself,
I tried to turn it on again, It turned on for almost 2 or 3 seconds then turned off completely ( No Screen Output, No Red Led either )
so I knew-ed at this point that the PS3 was Bricked :)

N.B: this was never mentioned in any of the downgrade tutorials floating on the net, although this is a very important point
to warn the users who are downgrading their Ps3 machines not to update using usual Modified firmwares unless the firmware
have the LV1.self file patched to Disable all checks, anything else will result into a Bricked PS3, and this is not good at
all especially if the Hardware flasher used to downgrade was removed from the Ps3′s NOR or Nand Flash.

After doing some research and discussing the issue with my friend eussNL 3.55
(3.56 or higher) and this needs a Patched LV1.self (checks disabled) in the NOR for the PS3 to be able to boot fine, and when
I updated it to my own MFW, the LV1.self file in the NOR was replaced with a non-patched version (checks enabled) and the PS3
detected the higher syscon version (3.56+) and Bricked.

To Fix it, I had to re-flash the NOR again with the patched Downgrade.bin image (to get rid of the un-patched LV1.self)
then the Ps3 was fixed and booting fine again.

At this point, the Ps3 was working again, but the Trophy problem was always there, so I prepared another Modified firmware with
3.70 spoof, Privacy Patch and this time the LV1.self Checks Disabled
(the patches were provided by eussNL too so Credits here goes to him),
then while still having Progskeet soldered to the NOR flash, I updated the Ps3 with the new MFW, everything
went fine, and it rebooted fine into the XMB, did some tests and the Trophy problem was gone for good and all games working fine.

For all the users who had successfully downgraded their PS3 machines to 3.55 again, I share with you my MFW with Lv1 Checks patched to bypass the 3.56+ syscon version and prevent any brick after updating to it, and to get rid of the annoying Trophy problem encountered after the usual downgrade procedure.

télécharger Télécharger Rogero MFW355_370_spoof_Internet_Blocked_LV1_Checks_Patched.PUP : officiel :
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Inscription: Ven 3 Sep 2010 16:54

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