
[NEWS]Showtime 4.6.4: Lecteur multimédia pour la PS3 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Showtime 4.6.4: Lecteur multimédia pour la PS3   

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[NEWS]Showtime 4.6.4: Lecteur multimédia pour la PS3

Messagepar Attila » Ven 16 Mai 2014 16:29

imageShowtime est un lecteur multimédia pour la PS3 permettant ainsi de lire vos films (vidéos) ou musiques sur la PS3.
Il supporte des vidéos jusqu'en 1080p.


L'application fonctionne avec des vidéos 576i, 720p et 1080i/p.

Version 4.6
General features
Icecast/Shoutcast radio streaming
Per-file and per-folder settings during video playback. Read more below.
Support for MPL subtitle format
Support for TMPlayer subtitles
Support for DVD Subtitle system (.txt) format
Improved and more robust parsing of SRT files
Improved start time when streaming over HTTP
Add audio test generator in Settings -> Audio. Good for testing that your surround speaker setup is correct.
Fix problems with various JPEG files.
Make it possible to turn off video frame linear interpolation. Traditionally Showtime have interpolated video frames to match display output. Some users find that this may blur the video a bit so this feature can now be turned off.
Store per-file settings directly in file system. Read more below.

Playstation 3 specific changes
Showtime now uses virtual memory (backed by HDD) on PS3. This should drastically reduce out-of-memory problems.
Show a notification if h264 profile/level restrictions is violated.
For example if a 1080p video use more than 4 reference frames.

Per-file and per-folder settings
During video playback the user can adjust per-file specific settings.
These are:
Audio Volume (New in 4.6)
Audio/Video sync adjustment
Subtitle sync adjustment
Subtitle scaling
Subtitle alignment
Subtitle vertical displacement
Subtitle horizontal displacement
Video zoom
Video stretch to widescreen
Video stretch to full screen
Video frame interpolation (New in 4.6)

The settings are remembered per file so when you come back the configuration will be resumed. It's now also possible to apply the configuration to the entire folder. This means that any files loaded from that folder (including new ones) will also have these settings. The user can also apply the current settings as new global defaults.
If the files are located on a SMB/Windows share with write access the corresponding settings will be stored on the server. See below.

Store per-file settings directly in file system using Extended Attributes.
Up until now, Showtime have stored per-file settings in an Sqlite database. These settings include things such as "Seen", "Resume position", "Selected subtitle", "Selected audio track" plus all the settings that can be configured during video playback (mentioned above).
Starting from 4.6 Showtime will now try to store these settings directly in the filesystem where the file is also located. It does this by storing the information as "Extended Attribute". This works if Showtime have write access to your SMB/Windows shares. This feature is default on and can be disabled in Settings -> General.
The real upside of this is that if you have multiple devices they will all share the "Seen status", "Resume position", and all other settings. Also if you re-install Showtime this information will be intact.
For details about Extended Attributes, please read: Extended file attributes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Add support for BIG5 character encoding
Add support for different On Screen Keyboard layouts.

Other changes
User interface now only redraws on demand (instead of every frame).
This greatly reduce CPU/Power consumption when application is idle.
Upgraded to libav 10
Over 150 bugs fixed. See

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Re: [NEWS]Showtime 4.6.4: Lecteur multimédia pour la PS3

Messagepar r11t » Ven 16 Mai 2014 18:25

merci... :siffle:
Messages: 17
Inscription: Jeu 14 Oct 2010 19:12

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