
[NEWS]Snes9X 4.4.8: Émulateur Snes sur PS3 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Snes9X 4.4.8: Émulateur Snes sur PS3   

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[NEWS]Snes9X 4.4.8: Émulateur Snes sur PS3

Messagepar Attila » Dim 3 Avr 2011 22:35

imageVoici le premier émulateur sur PS3, et il s'agit d'un émulateur de Super Nintendo nommé Snes9X, connu pour ses différents portages notamment sur Wii. Eiz à ainsi porté l'émulateur sur console PS3.
Une version compatible custom firmware PS3 3.55 est disponible.

Les jeux doivent être décompressés sur un périphérique USB.

Version 4.4.8
- Very big performance and lag reduction optimizations. The previous builds were indeed very laggy - this should be a very big improvement on that front.
- You can now use two shaders at once - we call this 'Custom Scaling/ DualShader' mode. A scaling factor (from 1 to 4x) can be specified. Some great graphical effects can be achieved by combining shaders.
- Shader presets have been added. Shader presets are configuration files that automatically configure the settings for 'Shader 1', 'Shader 2', 'Hardware Filtering Shader 1', 'Hardware Filtering Shader 2', 'Scaling Factor' and 'Overscan'. You can create your own shader presets - they are just plain-text files stored in USRDIR/presets.
- Controllers can now be individually configured - you can specifically configure the controls for a controller connected to a specific port/number.
- Cheat input has been made less buggy. With the 'New' control scheme - L2 + Analog Stick Right Down will still input cheats with the OSK, but it will add a generic label (simply the cheatcode itself as a label) until you rename this generic label by triggering the action 'Input Cheatlabel'. The 'New' control scheme has this hooked up to 'L2 + R2 + Analog Stick Right - Down'. This can of course be reconfigured to any button / button-combo you see fit.
- Fixed interlaced games like Rise Of The Robots - were displaying glitched graphics before in version 4.4.7.
- Added a homebrew SNES game by Themaister. Game logic is semi-hooked up - paddle works, ball bounces off the paddle, just scoring has to be added. Anyway, this has mostly been a 3-day exercise in SNES ASM - there will be a more useful/fun homebrew game in the future. This is just for illustrative purposes.
- Added some shader variations and some new shaders - HQ4x, BR4x - courtesy of Jacaraca.

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