
[NEWS]Sony accusé de fraude informatique, comme Geohot : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Sony accusé de fraude informatique, comme Geohot   

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[NEWS]Sony accusé de fraude informatique, comme Geohot

Messagepar Attila » Mar 22 Fév 2011 17:34

imageAlors que d'un côté, Sony accuse Geohot de violation du "Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.".
Rappelez vous, Sony avait reçu une class action pour le retrait de la fonction OtherOS dans Linux 3.15. Le juge a maintenant retenu la même accusation qu'a reçu Geohot, mais cette fois-ci contre Sony.

Ainsi, Geohot et Sony sont accusés de la même chose.
Geohot et Sony sont dans un bateau ...

The claims against Sony in the ongoing class-action lawsuit dealing with the removal of the "OtherOS" functionality in the PlayStation 3 hardware have all been dropped, save for one: a claim that Sony violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act by removing the ability to run Linux. This is the same law under which Sony is suing George Hotz for hacking the PS3, in fact.

One of Sony's defenses is rather interesting, as the company claims that it had no way of knowing gamers who bought the hardware would want to use these functions for the life of the system, and the multiple warranties and Terms of Service all said that Sony had the right to remove functions from the hardware. From the court documents filed by Sony:

To establish the implied warranty of fitness existed, Plaintiffs must allege that SCEA had “reason to know” of their special purpose, i.e., to use the PS3 in perpetuity for all advertised features and functions including the Other OS; that Plaintiffs relied on SCEA’s expertise; and that SCEA had “reason to know” of their reliance on the continued availability of all features and functions. Plaintiffs have not only failed to allege these requisite facts, they indeed cannot due to the explicit language of SCEA’s Warranty, SSLA, and Terms of Service. Specifically, because SCEA had the right to terminate or alter any feature or function, it had no reason to believe that Plaintiffs purchased their PS3s particularly with the expectation and belief that all features, including the Other OS, would be available for the “life” of the PS3.

Sony is arguing that your system needs to keep all the features it was sold with for the length of its warranty, and then after that time, removal of any function is fair game. "I think the problem is that in order to accept the notion that Sony made an unauthorized intrusion onto the plaintiffs' PS3s, you have to start with the assumption that what was 'disabled' was something that the plaintiffs had an ownership interest in..." Sony's laywer argued.

He continued, saying that gamers had a choice. "We're talking about if you are so interested in keeping this one feature, then you're not going to be able to access the PSN anymore. You may not be able to play some games. But that is not hacking into somebody's computer, which is the essence of the [Computer Fraud and Abuse Act]." This isn't a matter of accepting or declining a software update, it's the problem of Sony placing consumers in a position where they lose functionality no matter what they do. That may be a tough sell to the court.

Groklaw has a great article on the entirety of the court case, and we urge you to read it. The ins and outs of this case deal with much more than gaming consoles and Linux, and go into the idea of a warranty, and what's expected of modern electronics. We'll continue to follow the story as it develops. :
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Re: [NEWS]Sony accusé de fraude informatique, comme Geohot

Messagepar wizz69 » Mar 22 Fév 2011 17:39

c est pire que DALLAS

mais sony et attaquer par lg aussi pour piratage du BR
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Inscription: Sam 30 Oct 2010 15:59

Re: [NEWS]Sony accusé de fraude informatique, comme Geohot

Messagepar Attila » Mar 22 Fév 2011 20:50

d'autres informations sont disponible ici: ... 8181557455
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Re: [NEWS]Sony accusé de fraude informatique, comme Geohot

Messagepar dfrenchee » Mer 23 Fév 2011 07:12

mdr,il sont fou ces ricains comme dirai un gros moustachu lol.
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Re: [NEWS]Sony accusé de fraude informatique, comme Geohot

Messagepar saadbenj » Mer 23 Fév 2011 13:03

Ils l'ont cherché aussi ...
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