Sony demande 1 million d'euros en dommage et intérêt pour avoir diffusé ces informations. Toutes ces menaces juridiques font rire graf et lui donne encore plus envie de diffuser toutes ses connaissances du hack PS3.
Nous pouvons dire que ce graf_chokolo est quelqu'un soit de fou, soit de très courageux. Quoi qu'il en soit, celui-ci indique que le hack est sa raison de vivre et que ce n'est pas une menace d'1 million de dollar que Sony va l'empêcher d'hacker sa console.
La phrase philosophique du jour :
So, SONY you failed again, you took my equipment but my mind is still free and you canot control it. You failed again.
Soit :
Sony, vous avez encore échoué: vous avez pris mon matériel mais mon esprit est toujours libre et vous ne pouvez pas le contrôler. Vous avez encore échoué.
Voici le paragraphe complet par graf_chokolo :
Back icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack I don’t have a PC at home now guys, so i will post here only when i’m able. I will try to answer all your questions about HV and installing Linux. But expect some delays because as i said i don’t have access to the Internet all the time.
You know guys, you will say i’m totally crazy now, but i never slept better
than in the last 2 days icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack I don’t know how to explain this feeling but
i don’t care about those threats with jail and high money penalties, btw, SONY wants about 750.000 euros from me if i don’t cooperate icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack They don’t know me at all icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack I don’t care about it and they might double it icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack The higher is the sum the higher gets my motivation icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack They don’t understand what makes me tick. Money and even my life doesn’t mean to me very much without knowledge. I have a scientific mind and the knowledge is food to my brain. Without HV, Linux and FreeBSD kernel hacking my life is meaningless.
I miss my HV terribly icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack In the last 2 days i got so “hungry”
for more knowledge that i cannot control it anymore. I need knowledge and research, it has a huge meaning in my life. Jail or even death cannot hold it back anymore.
The SONY’s laywer asked me why i’m doing what i’m doing, because of my hatred for SONY ? He cannot understand why i’m doing it, because he is paid for what he does. I’m not. I don’t hold a grudge against SONY even now icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack Hatred clouds your mind, keeps you from more important things. I have a better use for my mind and knowledge icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack
So, SONY you failed again, you took my equipment but my mind is still free and you canot control it. You failed again. They are just tools, i can get new ones and will continue my HV reversing and bringing back PS3 Linux which you took from us. If you want me to stop then you should just kill me because i cannot live without programming, HV and Linux kernel hacking icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack You know who am i and where i live, so come and get me !!! icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack
And to prove it, i will reopen right now my HV reverse engineering page icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack And i will post my latest findings about Update Manager and BD drive here. Most of you know already that i was able to update CORE OS from Linux. And on the last weekend i tries to hel some PS3 devs with BD drive authentication and discovered some interesting stuff about it which i will post here.
And please guys, could someone post here a link to the latest version of my cloned Linux kernel. I need it. The last week i implemnted a updater for Linux and it was finished but the police got first before i could upload it. But do not fear, i have everything in my head icon smile SCEE Sues Graf Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack I can write it down again and show you how it works.
Voici un bout de document qu'a reçu le site ps3crunch (qui héberge le blog grafchokolo.com) pour qu'il retire les fichiers d'infos de l'hyperviseur :
Vous pouvez retrouver le document complet ici :
http://ps3crunch.com/wp-content/uploads ... Ariff1.pdf
Graf_chololo en profite pour dévoiler encore plus d'informations dans les commentaires de son blog, à l'adresse suivante :
http://grafchokolo.com/ps3-development- ... l#comments