
[NEWS]The Catachthonic v0.95 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]The Catachthonic v0.95   

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[NEWS]The Catachthonic v0.95

Messagepar Attila » Mar 24 Avr 2012 15:58

imageThatOtherDev a créé un monde en 3D où vous contrôlez un être pour le moins géométrique qui peut lancer des sphères, voler, placer des blocs. Voilà ce qu'est The Catachthonic.

Version 0.95
So I’ve fixed the bug that caused The Catachthonic to crash in certain situations on PS3 and re wrote some other things.

I’ve added on screen text informing you of what kind of ability you have selected, you can now destroy blocks while they are falling, now you can reset everything without needing to exit the game and I also made some changes to the controls.

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