
[NEWS] The World Drowns v0.1 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS] The World Drowns v0.1   

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[NEWS] The World Drowns v0.1

Messagepar orwel » Mer 20 Oct 2010 17:40

ImageThatOtherPerson, déjà auteur des jeux homebrews Maze Generator et Cubicle Shooter, nous présente un jeu WIP nommé The World Drowns. Tout comme Cubicle Shooter, ce jeu n'en est qu'au début du développement. Si des personnes capables de réaliser des textures ou des graphismes sont intéressées par le projet, elles peuvent prendre contact avec l'auteur.


Citation de ThatOtherPerson :
The World Drowns is (or will be) a 3D homebrew PS3 action RPG game.

To be clear I want to begin by saying that I don’t actually recommend anyone bother with downloading this. It is not a particularly accurate representation of my expectations for the final game. At this stage in development it is simply a non game comprised of a hacked together sequence of kludges. Its garbage.

Well making it its purpose was primarily for testing out obj format mesh loading. The reasoning for posting it though is simply that I thought it would be easier to attract artists if I had some form of a demo to show for the game that I want them to contribute to.

I’m looking for people to create the 3d models, textures and eventually animations for the characters and environments. So if your interested in pitching in then let me know.

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Messages: 437
Inscription: Jeu 9 Sep 2010 13:06

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