
[NEWS]Un nouvel exploit PS3 à venir au Chaos Communication Congress ? : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Un nouvel exploit PS3 à venir au Chaos Communication Congress ?   

Les news du Hack PS3 postées sur PS3 Infos

[NEWS]Un nouvel exploit PS3 à venir au Chaos Communication Congress ?

Messagepar Attila » Ven 17 Déc 2010 15:44

imageLe 27-28-29-30 Décembre, se tiendra le Chaos Communication Congress, célèbre convention de Hackeurs dans laquelle seront présents marcan, bushing et sven. Ceux-ci sont des développeurs/hackeurs renommés ayant présenté le hack Wii lors d'un précédent Chaos Communication Congress en 2007.
Selon le calendrier, ils devraient annoncer un nouveau hack PS3.

En fait le congrès dure du 27 au 30 Novembre à Berlin mais c'est le 29 à 16h00 que marcan, bushing et sven feront leur présentation.

Over 70 million Wiis, over 40 million Xbox 360s and over 35 million Playstation 3s have been sold in the last few years. That makes over 145 million embedded devices out there and most of them are just used to play games. But what can you do with them if you don't like playing games? You hack them to make them run your own code of course! We're going to talk about the various hacks that you can use to gain control of your hardware and make it do what you want it to do.

2010 saw the first hacks for the Playstation 3, soon after Sony removed Other OS functionality. We will detail the operation of current PS3 exploits, show a few new ones and explain where and how Sony went wrong when designing its security system, and show how these holes can be used to gain control over the system and bring Linux back to the PS3.

We will also go over hacks for the other consoles, including the JTAG hack for the Xbox 360 which made running homebrew code more convenient, and the cat-and-mouse games that Nintendo played with us to combat Wii hacks. We might also check out the security of their 'new' handheld console - the DSi.

Gamers might find this talk interesting even though it is targeted at those who hack (or design) embedded system security. A basic knowledge of crypto is therefore assumed. We will also be present in the Hackcenter before and after the presentation for those of you who are interested in learning more about the subject.


Nous pouvons être sur que vous aurez tous les détails techniques sur comment fonctionne Asbestos et pourquoi pas un nouvel exploit qui pourrait être utilisé sur des PS3 3.50 ? : officiel :
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Re: [NEWS]Un nouvel exploit PS3 à venir au Chaos Communication Congress ?

Messagepar Linik » Ven 17 Déc 2010 22:52

Je savais pas que y'avais ce genre de conférence =O !
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Inscription: Jeu 16 Sep 2010 23:14

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