
[NEWS]Une pétition par Geohot contre les procès abusifs : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]Une pétition par Geohot contre les procès abusifs   

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[NEWS]Une pétition par Geohot contre les procès abusifs

Messagepar Attila » Ven 18 Mar 2011 20:10

imageGeohot a lancé une pétition qui apparemment servirai à protéger les personnes des procès uniquement destinés à engendrer des frais à la défense et a embêter.

Si quelqu'un a envie d'expliquer les enjeux de cette pétition, qu'il le fasse ;).

Now Comes Defendant George Hotz, by and through counsel, and moves this Court for Protective Order pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 26(c) and FRCP 26(b)(2)(c), seeking to protect Defendant George Hotz from Plaintiff Sony Computer Entertainment LLC‟s (“SCEA”) overbroad jurisdictional discovery requests, which are for the purpose of annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, and are an undue burden and undue expense on Defendant. Please note that this Motion is in addition to the Joint Protective Order, which is currently being drafted with Plaintiff’s counsel.

Mr. Hotz is a 21-year-old individual, who resides in New Jersey and who has not consented to the jurisdiction of this Court. Despite the fact that SCEA has filed this action and represented that this matter belongs in the Northern District of California, SCEA now attempts to engage in a jurisdictional fishing expedition as a means to utilize jurisdictional discovery to achieve other ends. Although the Court has limited discovery to jurisdictional issues, SCEA has demanded overly burdensome and expensive discovery from Plaintiffs that bears little, if any, relevance to the issues at hand.
The Defendant has shown good cause for the protective order sought herein, as the discovery SCEA seeks is harassing, irrelevant, burdensome, expensive, and intrusive. In addition, the confidential information sought to be protected could cause Defendant irreparable harm if mishandled or exposed.
Mr. Hotz is not seeking to withhold information from Plaintiff. Instead, Mr. Hotz seeks only to (1) protect the information he is willingly providing by directing that the copy of his hard drive be created as-is and unaltered, and (2) relieve the undue burden and expense of appearing in this forum for a deposition where Mr. Hotz will gladly offer the same information through written deposition. Mr. Hotzhas been extremely accommodating to SCEA’s demanding requests– being responsive to questions and inquiries at all hours of the day and night, providing his personal hard drive with commercial, confidential, and valuable information so that SCEA can determine that nothing pertaining to jurisdiction resides on such drive, turning over his Playstation Computer, and remaining accessible despite the fact that he is not in the forum.
Mr. Hotz files this Motion for a Protective Order to limit the issues at hand to the matters of jurisdiction, and to limit such discovery to less burdensome means. The protection Defendant seeks would prevent irreparable harm and undue burden on Defendant, while still granting SCEA the information it seeks to discover, without any burden. :
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