
[NEWS]webMAN-MOD v1.41.05: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]webMAN-MOD v1.41.05: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW   

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[NEWS]webMAN-MOD v1.41.05: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW

Messagepar orwel » Sam 10 Jan 2015 12:12

imageAldostools poursuit l'évolution de sa version MOD de webMan. Au programme des dernières nouveautés : support de fichiers images de jeux PSX/PS2, une meilleure gestion des covers PS1/PS2 avec l'ID du jeu, le merge du code du PS3MAPI 1.11 par NzV, et de nombreuses corrections. Suivez la suite du post pour la liste complète des changements.

Image Image

webMAN MOD 1.41.05
- Added support to mount .MSF .IMG .BIN files for PSX/PS2
(they will be mounted properly if a .CUE is not needed)
- Reverted file listing buffer to 512 bytes (to support longer file names)
- Html code in file listing is now auto-simplified when the buffer size is exceeded.
If the file name is too long, the file entry will be ignored to avoid html errors.
- Detection of iso in game use less strstr calls (thus a bit faster)
- Display plugin edition on rebug editions
- Avoid launch loop if autoboot is PS2
- Improved display the icon displayed on html when a game is mounted
- Swap PS2emus now backups the current emus on Rebug Toolbox
- Various shortcut combos related to dev_flash are disabled by default (fool proof)

webMAN MOD 1.41.04
- Added support to show multiMAN's covers for PS1/PS2 using the title ID on the file name of the iso
- Improved title id detection when it is the format: XXXX-YYYYY
- Updated translations: russian, chinese
- Fixed regression in the installer when the plugin is installed in /dev_hdd0/plugins

webMAN MOD 1.41.03
- Fixed issue navigating files through webMAN's File Browser on MSIE.
- Fixed access to files with ".html" extension on Chrome
- Fixed detection of games named like: "Name (4.xx).iso" on NTFS

webMAN MOD 1.41.02
- Fixed issue with Reset USB bus (new fix by deank)
- Reset USB bus is now optional
- Return to XMB from PS2 game does not scan mygames.xml
- Merged code for updater from _NzV_ (now there are 2 ps3mapi editions)
- Merged code from PS3MAPI 1.11 (Jan 5, 2015) (Thanks to NzV)
- Fixed folder naming during backup of PS3 game mounted on /dev_bdvd
- Added missing game fix feature to nonCobra editions
- Added Quick and Forced game fix options (Thanks to kokotonix for the idea)
- Function get_title_and_id_from_sfo() now receives a buffer of 4KB as
parameter, instead of allocate it internally.
- Fixed label "Refresh XML"
- Add disable syscall 11

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