
[NEWS]webMAN-MOD v1.43.36: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]webMAN-MOD v1.43.36: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW   

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[NEWS]webMAN-MOD v1.43.36: Backup depuis le xmb et serveur FTP/WWW

Messagepar Attila » Dim 25 Sep 2016 10:36

imageAldostools propose une version MOD de webMan, apportant notamment le support de 21 langages utilisant des fichiers externes, un installer/updater pour CFW Cobra et NonCobra, le spoof IDPS/PSID, la désactivation des syscalls du cfw, et de nombreuses autres choses encore.

Image Image

Version 1.43.36
Added support for download & auto install pkgs. Syntax: /install.pkg?url=<url-of-pkg>
Install PKG combo now auto-install all pkgs in hdd0/packages
/install.ps3 now deletes the pkg after installation
Use /install_ps3 to keep the pkg after installation
Added conditional install of pkg: /install.ps3<pkg_path>?
Added support for download .xm! as .xml
Pkgs are now downloaded to a temporary folder then moved
Limited delete pkg after install to hdd0 only
Added support to install local theme files (*.p3t)
Added online covers to lite edition
Added scan in ISO folder for covers named as <title_id>.JPG
Added list of last games to root of file manager
Icon sizer value now is retained after close the browser
Changed algorithm for covers scanning to: ISO folder > MM Covers > ICON0
(instead of MM > ISO > ICON0)
Added support for sorting directories by date/size/name
Added support for wildcards in ftp directory listing
Fixed ftp navigation using the browsers
Changed PASV mode in ps3mapi to work in the same way as the ftp server
Added mount by name: /mount.ps3?<name>
Added support for filter file listing using: /path?<name>
Added /restart.ps3?min to reboot & show min fw version
Added swap buttons commands (the system is rebooted):
/pad.ps3?cross=enter, /pad.ps3?circle=enter, /pad.ps3?cross=swap

Added ability to set default restart mode. e.g. /restart.ps3?quick$

Added link from /TROPDIR/NPWR* to trophy dir of current user

Added link from /LICDIR to home to savedata dir of current user

Removed selection of user account from /setup.ps3
/copy.ps3 now uses the home folder of the current user
Changed behavior of /copy.ps3 (for faster copy)
Now existing files with the same file size are not overwritten
/copy_ps3 overwrite the existing files (formerly /copy.ps3)
/copy.ps3 from hdd0 now copies to the first usb drive * previously the default usb drive was usb000

Added 'Copy & overwrite' option to fm.js (popup menu)

Removed support for droidMAN in lite edition
Removed polling of wm_request file (due performance impact)
Combos still use wm_request file, but it's processed directly

Removed buggy code added recently for psx audio processing

Added offline mode that disable network when games start

Added exception list /dev_hdd0/tmp/wm_online_ids.txt for auto-disable network

Now the fan speed is increased critically only if the temperature warning is enabled in /setup.ps3 and the temperature is > 85°C

Updated webMAN_IT.xml (thanks to smikk)
PARAM.SFO multi5 of updater & prepNTFS (thanks to smikk)

Re-added standalone plugin video_rec.sprx

Added disc icon with link to /bdvd to the bottom of all the pages
Changed link in 'size column' of /app_home to home of user in File Manager
Added keyboard shortcuts to /setup.ps3

Added combo l2_r2

Several code optimizations and bug fixes.
webPAD online:
webMAN Portal:

Version 1.43.35
Added display of free space left on USB devices to /cpursx.ps3
Added shortcuts to storage devices in /cpursx.ps3
Combos now support pads 0-7 (formerly was only 0-2)
PS2_DISC & No SingStar icon now are features in Full Edition
/restart.ps3 now supports same parameters of /reboot.ps3
Icon resizer now keeps the size until the browser is closed
File Mgr: /host_root now is a shortcut to /dev_hdd0/packages
File Mgr: .SFO now displays title id with link to game updates
File Mgr: game title now has a link to hdd0/game/<titleid> (i.e. a shortcut to game patches & dlc)
File Mgr: size column of .SFO now fixes game in hdd0/game
Fix game now starts from the root of the game (JB folder only)
Reduced delay of message for files deleted with /delete.ps3
/download.ps3 now shows the download path in separate line
/install.ps3 now caches the pkg to hdd0 if installing from /net
Added breadcrumbs trails to the displayed path in /mount.ps3 (now adds mount only if path is ISO or folder)
Added support to install pkg files to right-menu in html
Improved performance reading language files (it results in faster save settings & reduced startup time)
Added support to cache PSPISO and PS2ISO on ntfs to hdd0 (prepNTFS 1.15 or later is required)
Added combo L2+R2 to prevent auto-mount game on startup (2 beeps will sound when the buttons can be released)

Lite Edition: memory footprint is <192KB (removed 'ps2 toggle' & 'disable cobra' combos)
Updated: prepNTFS 1.15 (added scan folders PSPISO and PS2ISO)
Updated: ps3netsrv (build 20160826.1) & PS3 NET Server GUI 1.4
webPAD online:
webMAN Portal:

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