
[NEWS]WinDos 3.1 beta 2: Windows 3.1 sur PS3 : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]WinDos 3.1 beta 2: Windows 3.1 sur PS3   

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[NEWS]WinDos 3.1 beta 2: Windows 3.1 sur PS3

Messagepar Attila » Dim 12 Juin 2011 14:36

imageSuite à la sortie de DosBox, voici un autre homebrew qui permet d'automatiser l'installation de Windows 3.1 sur PS3. Il est même possible d'utiliser les menus de Windows 95/98.

Version 3.1 bêta 2
updated it a bit start menu set up , new advanced taskman in tray and all slimmed down to 132mb turned the startup and shutdown sounds off and the shutdown screen to speed things up a bit when running dos sessions, also fixed the dosbox cycles@4000.. so now winspeed reads cpu@56 video@117 disk@172 ... but i am getting some random (ps3) crashing , not much and no harm done.. i packed mainly for the 3.41 users.

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