
[NEWS]XMB Manager Plus (XMB+) v1.00 RC9: Gestionnaire de fichiers PS3 dans le XMB : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]XMB Manager Plus (XMB+) v1.00 RC9: Gestionnaire de fichiers PS3 dans le XMB   

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[NEWS]XMB Manager Plus (XMB+) v1.00 RC9: Gestionnaire de fichiers PS3 dans le XMB

Messagepar Attila » Dim 7 Oct 2012 20:23

imageXMB Manager Plus (XMB+) est un "patch" pour les CFW ou OFW, et permettant d'avoir un gestionnaire de fichiers permettant de lister tout le contenu de la PS3 sans quitter le XMB !
Quelques autres fonctionnalités sont également de la partie.


Attention, la modifications de fichiers du firmware peut causer le brick. A utiliser avec précautions !

Il y a maintenant des App Packs séparés à installer en complément :
Rebug Package Manager
PS2 compatibility files (3.55) by mysis and eussNL - thanks sandungas (changes flash self/sprx use at your own risk)
RemotePlay from PC (3.55) by mysis - thanks aldostools (changes flash self/sprx use at your own risk)
Disable Cinavia (3.55) by Rebug - thanks aldostools (changes flash sprx use at your own risk)

[div2=200]Version 1.00 RC9
rewrote some code and reorganized folders for better flexibility.

Now XMB Manager Plus installer does not include Rebug package manager. This reduced the size of the installer.

But you can add it to the installer in new installer update system called APPPACK .

What is an AppPack?
AppPack is an GameData update to XMBM+ installer that adds new app options to the installer menu. Then you can install the app in the apppack with XMB Manager Plus installer.
Very useful for XMB mods, flash files replace, etc.
Just install the installer and them the apppacks, when you run the installer you will have all options to install (XMBM+; Rebug PM; PS2 compability files; etc)
As you can see you can add the app packs you want, the installer will recognize them and lets you installs them.

Of course you can build an all-in-one package with all apps also. Its just folders and files with the correct structure and names, the “magic” is done by the xmbm+ installer.

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