
[NEWS]XMBPC v3 beta - Clone XMB pour PC : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]XMBPC v3 beta - Clone XMB pour PC   

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[NEWS]XMBPC v3 beta - Clone XMB pour PC

Messagepar Attila » Dim 30 Mar 2014 15:34

imageSvenGDK nous dévoile son application qui simule le comportement du XMB, sur son ordinateur. Ainsi vous pourrez avoir l'interface PS3 sur votre PC.

Comme dans le XMB original, vous aurez une gestion des vidéos, jeux, musiques et images.

Version 3 bêta
- Retour à une bêta (la raison est expliquée ici ou plus bas)
- Configuration plein écran totalement nouvelle.
- Vous pouvez maintenant protéger XMBPC avec un mot de passe.
- Mise à jour des émulateurs, qui détectent le 32 ou 64 bits pour une meilleure performance.
- Correction du non affichage des jeux.
- D'autres correctifs mineurs.

La raison du retour en bêta :
Hi followers!
After some hours of thinking about XMBPC, I'm ready to change some things and to talk about it.

But first, I would like to thank you all for testing and sharing XMBPC.
Since the v1 release in June 2013 until now I count over 20000 downloads, which is for me more than adequate

Now to the changes I would like to do...
The release status of XMBPC will be reverted back to beta, since there are alot of bugs which really need to be fixed first.
For a stable release, the basic functions must work for everyone, but this isn't the case here.
The current release will get an update soon which changes only the name of the tool, so don't worry about missing features or something else

What about XMBOSX now after this changes?
XMBOSX will NOT be available within the next 3-6 months because there are really alot of features I can't make possible on OS X with a "Wine" port and I don't really have the time to learn Objective-C beside the school...
So I need someone which could realize this properly with Objective-C or you will have to wait until I learn it myself (I will learn it sure in the near future).

Any news about the PS3 emulation?
Yes, there is a PS3 emulator in development.
It will be implemented as soon as the hardware emulation is accurate enough to run official PS3 games

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