
[NEWS]XMBPCE v0.9 RC - Clone XMB pour PC : News - PS3-Infos

[NEWS]XMBPCE v0.9 RC - Clone XMB pour PC   

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[NEWS]XMBPCE v0.9 RC - Clone XMB pour PC

Messagepar Attila » Ven 26 Avr 2013 14:19

imageSvenGDK nous dévoile son application qui simule le comportement du XMB, sur son ordinateur. Ainsi vous pourrez avoir l'interface PS3 sur votre PC.

Comme dans le XMB original, vous aurez une gestion des vidéos, jeux, musiques et images.

Version 0.9 RC
Fixed: Settings menu now closes correctly when starting something
Fixed: Pictures menu now closes correctly when starting something
Fixed: Music menu now closes correctly when starting something
Fixed: Video menu now closes correctly when starting something
Fixed: Games menu now closes correctly when starting something
Fixed: "PS2 Games" folder now closes correctly when starting something
Fixed: You should not more receive errors when closing a game
Updated: PS Menu
Updated: XMBPC Background (I will check the animation problems again tonight...)
Fixed: XMBPC should not more crash when trying to change the theme and there's no theme in .\media\themes
Fixed: PS Menu Background now fullscreen (there was a graphical bug on the right)
Updated: "Check for updates" & "PS2 Games folder" icons will now change when changing the theme
Fixed: PS2Loader did not start some games
Fixed: PS2Loader should now recognize ALL games
Fixed: Some graphical fixes on the Downloader
NEW: PS1Loader, you can now start PS1 Games directly from XMBPC (.BIN FORMAT ONLY!!!).
NEW: Now recognizes PS1 Game Discs (But they are not working yet, only manually)
Updated: "PS2 Games" folder renamed to "PS2/PS1 Games", PS1 & PS2 games will be shown there
NEW: Troubleshooting for new users
PS2Loader: Disc supported improved, now recognizes really all games
PS1Loader: Disc supported also improved, now recognizes all games
Updated: Cross/Square/Circle buttons
Added: Clock and notifications (Upper right)
Fixes: Other minor fixes
Updated:XMBPC now fullscreen
PSLoaders: ISO support for PS2 & PS1 games improved
Fixed: Some XMB browsing issues
NEW: PSPLoader, you can now add ONLY .cso psp games (it uses less space and is fully compatible)
Updated: "PS1 & PS2 Games" folder renamed to "PS1, PS2 & PSP Games"
Updated: Setup improved (only allows adding the right type of files)

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